I Need A Break: February – Chips (Bagged Junk Food?)

Every month for 2014, I will participate in a “living without challenge.” This requires giving up something I’m addicted to or dependent on for a full month. My goal is to find a new perspective on the other side, showing myself that I have full control of my life and how I spend my time, money and energy. Hopefully this will inspire you to push yourself out of your comfort zone too!

I have a salsa addiction. Why am I telling you this? Because I end up eating chips on chips on chips and other bagged goodies as a result that have no health benefits. So while I probably should just be giving up junk food in entirety, I’m also realistic and human enough to recognize that chips alone is a large feat for me. Hey, maybe you have a chocolate addiction. Doesn’t mean you’re going to give up gummy bears and Swedish Fish too right? Just saying.

Update 2/12: Crap. I was doing so so well and then my roommate had to offer me her Terra Chips. “They’re vegetables!” she explained. I still feel like I cheated. I also have had to find creative ways to consume my salsa (raw carrots, steamed vegetables, by the spoonful (NOT ASHAMED…okay a little). Honestly I’m not feeling as inspired by this month’s sacrifice as I did last month, so I may extend this to all junk food for the rest of the month. Anything processed and bagged. I guess we will see how this works out. (Wow, did I just made this commitment? Vday is tomorrow and there is a plate full of heart shaped cookies staring at me in the office. Not very raw vegan like, but…)

End of the month:

I did it! wow to break up with chips was very difficult, and I definitely binged the first week in March (literally only ate chips for a day with salsa, it was amazing). But I’m thinking of giving them up again, or at least looking into healthier alternatives such as baking my own.