Urban Remedy Super Green Cleanse Review: Day 2 (Ingredients & Benefits)

Day two has arrived. Waking up before my alarm is a constant perk when juicing. I also go to bed much earlier (due mostly to boredom and lack of energy once the buzz of the last juice wears off). Many of the side effects of juicing slowly kick in day two, which I discuss here.

Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients and benefits of each juice on the Super Green Cleanse:

1. Dynamo

Ingredients: Cucumber, Parsley, Celery, Spinach, Kale and Dandelion Greens

Key Benefits: supports liver, boosts immunity, purifies blood and cleanses cells. This juice has 3 lbs of veggies packed into the 16-oz. bottle!

2. Refresh

Ingredients: Lemons, Chlorophyll, Ionized Water and Stevia

Key Benefits: oxygenates blood, freshens breath, alkalizes body, boosts iron levels

3. Clear

Ingredients: Burdock Root, Celery, Cucumber, Spinach and Parsley

Key Benefits: brightens skin, energizes, boosts immunity, cleanses cells

4. Soothe

Ingredients: Cucumber, Celery, Spinach, Apple, Ginger, Parsley and Lemon

Key Benefits: promotes digestion, purifies blood, supports kidneys, cleanses cells

5. Ensalada

Ingredients: Cucumber, Celery, Spinach, Kale, Carrot, Jewel Yam and Lettuce

Key Benefits: purifies blood, brightens skin, promotes digestion and aides liver health.

6. Glow

Ingredients: Cucumber, Parsley, Spinach, Lemon, Celery, E3Live Algae

Key Benefits: energizes, boosts immunity, oxygenates blood and helps your skin glow


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