I Need a Break: April – Alcohol


For the month of April, I made the decision to give up hard alcohol. I allowed myself to indulge in a glass of wine or a cool, cider every now and then, but as a college grad, I think my liver could stand a month without shooting back shots or slugging around a Redbull vodka at the bar.

At first, it was difficult to engage in public, having to hold back my instinct to order a spiked club soda, especially since the wine made me sleepy by the time everyone wanted to leave for the bars. But by the end of the month, I was not at all thinking about the lack of Tito’s or Don Q in my life.

I did find that I began craving a lot of sugar though, being that the drinks that once satisfied my sweet tooth no longer were there to comfort me. This of course, didn’t help during Easter time when peeps and chocolate bunnies were popping up all over my apartment, which brings me to May…


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