Wheat Berry Parfait


Sometimes you need to just chew, that smoothie just won’t satisfy the urge. Let me use this opportunity to introduce you to something that might sound rather unfamiliar: wheat berries.

What in hell’s kitchen is a wheat berry, you ask? It’s actually not a stranger at all. Wheat berries are the whole grain form of wheat – the complete grain before it has undergone any processing. If you’ve had whole grain flour before, you’ve had the milled version of wheat berries. So there you go. Something completely unfamiliar to you is now a common staple to your diet! (I might have lost members of the gluten-free tribe here, but stay tuned in to hear just how amazing these bits of grain are for your body.)

What’s it taste like, you wonder? The texture is pretty  chewy, has the feel of a denser rice and can be adapted into savory or sweet dishes. For the sake of this post, we’re making a sweet breakfast parfait.


  • 1/2 cup cooked wheat berries (here’s how to cook them – hint: they take a bit of time, like rice)
  • 6 oz. yogurt (vegan, greek, whichever you prefer)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1/2 medium apple, diced
  • optional: 1 tsp ground flaxseed


  • Easy – once you get the wheat berries cooked, you can mix and serve with the other ingredients!

Nutritional Info:

Calories: 358 Carbs: 63 Fat:Protein: 23 Sodium:Sugar: 33




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