What I Have Learned From a Month Without Alcohol

no-drinking-sign1 “So why did you give up alcohol?” The answers varied:

  • To be healthier
  • To lower my tolerance
  • To be more effective at work and using weekends to unwind will help that
  • To reassure my ability to socialize without liquid courage
  • To prove I’m not alcoholic

Okay so the last one, maybe not quite the case. But with college a fading mirage behind me as I waltz down the path to adulthood, grueling hangovers were ringing as a constant reminder that it was time I grew up a bit. It’s a harsh reality to accept, being that I turn 24 next month, but one that is full-heartedly embraced. I am fortunate to have the willpower to abstain from something I do truly enjoy, in my mission to unlock a greater purpose. Here are the main lessons to take away from the dry month of February:

  1. Take off the mask. You don’t need that one glass of pinot to loosen up before a date or networking function. You are so much more than that liquored-down version of yourself. Have a little faith that people will see the value and beauty in who you.
  2. Sober dates aren’t that bad. Sometimes all you need just something in your hand – a tea or coffee – to keep your fumbling hands busy. Or just a better date.
  3. Not everyone will be supportive. Weird. If I was giving up smokes or soda, I’m sure the common response would be, “good for you, keep it up!” I don’t know whether I unleashed other’s insecurities, but this was an unfortunate discovery. Taunts to give in to temptation, being told to my face that I wasn’t as fun as when I’m drunk – it’s a little concerning. Also mind opening. This time allowed me to turn the dictionary to page defining “friendship” because I don’t need that negativity in my life and neither do you.
  4. You can still party. Won’t lie and pretend I didn’t have a coffee before hitting the bars, but my dance moves were just as fabulous, if not more coordinated, than ever.
  5. Mondays aren’t so bad. The only reasons for dreading a Monday the past couple of months was due to the consecutive massive snowstorms that locked me in my tiny apartment. Otherwise, I looked forward to starting the week with a clear head and a clean to-do list.
  6. Alcohol feeds your sugar addiction. You might not realize when downing numerous ciders and margaritas, but I found myself literally crawling to get my sugar fix. My candy consumption skyrocketed and I blame it all on you, rum and coke.
  7. No gym excuses. Get your ass to the gym. Seriously, what else do you have to do today? Clean your fish tank? (Shoot…probably should do that this weekend).
  8. There’s more than drinking to pass the time. Join a book club. Discover an unearthed hobby. Explore new boroughs. Pick up the sport you played in high school that you’ve missed. Just a few of the things I tapped into February, as examples.
  9. Get to know yourself again. Your ten year old wierdo self that was innocent, naive and honest. The one who collected beanie babies or Pokemon cards. The one who sang in the choir and thought that “Cotten Eye Joe” was ever cool*. Same one that didn’t think a night at home watching movies with the parents meant you’re lame. That person didn’t need to drink to define fun.

*PS – Did you know a Swedish band, called Rednex, introduced that hot sixth grade dance bit? Actually, for even more of a laugh, go Google the 1939 folk version of “Cotton Eye Joe” and imagine getting down to that at your friend’s bat mitzvah.

I Need A Break: March – Caffeine & Hulu

Every month for 2014, I will participate in a “living without challenge.” This requires giving up something I’m addicted to or dependent on for a full month. My goal is to find a new perspective on the other side, showing myself that I have full control of my life and how I spend my time, money and energy. Hopefully this will inspire you to push yourself out of your comfort zone too!

Bday wishes

Alright, birthday month. The month where calories don’t count and self indulgence is partially acceptable. That is why March is a month less focused on food and more about health and happiness of the mind. Insomnia has become a regularity for me; 3 a.m. on the dot has become a time that I’m very familiar with. I’m not sure the cause, whether it’s stress or little leprechauns that don’t wan’t me to get a full 8 hours-whatever it may be it’s exhausting and wrecking havoc on my ability to function 100% during the day. 

This is why I will be giving up coffee/caffeine drinks (RedBull, Monster, etc.) along with watching Hulu in bed. I’m not a huge coffee drinker; I’m actually a health advocate for the bean. There’s nothing better than a venti iced coffee with a dab of almond creamer and a sprinkle of cinnamon while taking a calming walk on a early Spring Sunday morning. 

The harder aspect of this month is to not indulge in my growing queue of shows on my Macbook during the dark hours of 8-12. My hopes are that by creating a sleeping environment that is more zen, along with decreasing my intake of caffeine stimulants, I will develop better sleeping habits and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Updates will be provided as the month comes to a close. Check back to see how I did!

1/15 Update: No coffee, no problems. I still watch TV, but that’s because for my birthday we’ve installed a brand spanking new TV in our living room where we watch our fair share of Netflix and terribly cheesy local news channels. Unfortunately, my sleeping patterns have gotten worse. Some nights I’ll be up for an hour and a half and I’ve skipped my morning work alarm a couple times. My hopes are that this is just temporary while I try to adapt to a different night routine. 

End of Month: I won’t lie, it’s April 1 and I am sipping on my classic go-to Starbucks drink: a decaf with two pumps of sugar free vanilla. Oh how I’ve missed the taste of coffee. But probably won’t have it more than a couple times a week, as usual. Also now sitting in my bed watching the season finale of Girls and it’s now 2 a.m.

But seriously, I do love the idea of going to bed early and not having distractions. With warmer weather, I plan on hitting the gym more before work, so hopefully I’ve gotten used to the bedroom being a distraction free zone.

Overall success this month! On to the next one…

I Need A Break: February – Chips (Bagged Junk Food?)

Every month for 2014, I will participate in a “living without challenge.” This requires giving up something I’m addicted to or dependent on for a full month. My goal is to find a new perspective on the other side, showing myself that I have full control of my life and how I spend my time, money and energy. Hopefully this will inspire you to push yourself out of your comfort zone too!

I have a salsa addiction. Why am I telling you this? Because I end up eating chips on chips on chips and other bagged goodies as a result that have no health benefits. So while I probably should just be giving up junk food in entirety, I’m also realistic and human enough to recognize that chips alone is a large feat for me. Hey, maybe you have a chocolate addiction. Doesn’t mean you’re going to give up gummy bears and Swedish Fish too right? Just saying.

Update 2/12: Crap. I was doing so so well and then my roommate had to offer me her Terra Chips. “They’re vegetables!” she explained. I still feel like I cheated. I also have had to find creative ways to consume my salsa (raw carrots, steamed vegetables, by the spoonful (NOT ASHAMED…okay a little). Honestly I’m not feeling as inspired by this month’s sacrifice as I did last month, so I may extend this to all junk food for the rest of the month. Anything processed and bagged. I guess we will see how this works out. (Wow, did I just made this commitment? Vday is tomorrow and there is a plate full of heart shaped cookies staring at me in the office. Not very raw vegan like, but…)

End of the month:

I did it! wow to break up with chips was very difficult, and I definitely binged the first week in March (literally only ate chips for a day with salsa, it was amazing). But I’m thinking of giving them up again, or at least looking into healthier alternatives such as baking my own.

I Need a Break: January – Unnecessary Shopping

Every month for 2014, I will participate in a “living without challenge.” This requires giving up something I’m addicted to or dependent on for a full month. My goal is to find a new perspective on the other side, showing myself that I have full control of my life and how I spend my time, money and energy. Hopefully this will inspire you to push yourself out of your comfort zone too!


While my New Year’s resolution is to become one of those disgustingly positive people who finds a reason to be grateful for everything, I plan on accomplishing one tangible goals each month. They are meant to relate back to my overall goal, helping me stay on track and change my way of thinking from multiple angles.

This month, I plan on giving up unnecessary personal purchases. This could not come at a better time after all the money spent on holiday gifts and travel. My family and friends live in NYC so naturally the city that never sleeps left me strapped for cash.

I recently moved to Boston with a handful of friends and that’s it. It’s time that I embrace this beautiful city and it’s culture. And instead of spending money on Newbury Street on new clothes and unnecessary take out, I will allow myself to spend money exploring my new home. I will save money by not spending on frivolous purchases and have enough to make memories with friends, such as going to museums or natural parks or community service.

Updates will be provided as the month comes to a close. Check back to see how I did!

1/16 Update: So far so good! Okay well maybe I did try to buy a Livingsocial ah-mazing deal, but I made myself wait 5 days before doing so and then the deal ended abruptly (win/lose scenario). I’ve spent money only on a few experiences including pottery painting with the roomies, bowling on a Saturday night last weekend and a drink or two at the bar. I feel more in tuned with Boston, finding so many things to do rather than hit up shops and lounging in bed all day. Things to do this month: see Anchorman 2 (by the beard of Zeus!), go on a ski trip and check out a museum.  Hope to accomplish some of these this weekend!

End of Month Update: Yo I did it! I have a completely new outlook on spending now – I actually find it difficult to find reasons to make purchases. I tried to go shopping last weekend and I just didn’t feel the need to buy anything. I definitely don’t need, but the “want” is now gone. Which is good, since I’m hoping to spend all this saved up money on a trip to Europe this summer! This challenge also inspired me to volunteer and fill my time with friends and other activities.